
There are 2 cases inheriting from a single base class (which is not meant to be instantiated).

Hard Constraints

For hard constraints, one should first choose the type of sparse solver to be used. For performance purpose we strongly advise to use VNLSparseLUSolverTraits, but it is possible to use a custom one with external libraries not delivered in ITK (such as TAUCS, CHOLMOD, etc.).

typedef VNLSparseLUSolverTraits< CoordType > SolverType;
typedef itk::LaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilterWithHardConstraints< MeshType, MeshType, SolverType > FilterType;

The next step is then to allocate the filter and set the input mesh.

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
filter->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );

Then set the order (note that we recommend using order 2, but it is possible to use higher-orders).

filter->SetOrder( 2 );

Then set the method to compute the coefficient. Although theoretically it is recommended to use itk::ConformalMatrixCoefficients, it is possible to use other weights to speed up the deformation, or for other reasons...

typedef itk::ConformalMatrixCoefficients< MeshType > CoefficientType;
CoefficientType coeff;
filter->SetCoefficientsMethod( &coeff );

Then set the constraints, either by the means of SetDisplacement, either by the means of SetConstrainedNode

MeshType::VectorType null( 0. );
filter->SetDisplacement( 150, null );

MeshType::VectorType d( null );
d[2] = -5;

filter->SetDisplacement( 2030, d );

Finally call the Update method and get the output mesh


MeshType::Pointer output = filter->GetOutput();

Soft Constraints

As above (for hard constraints), one should first choose the type of sparse solver to be used. For performance purpose we strongly advise to use VNLSparseLUSolverTraits, but it is possible to use a custom one with external libraries not delivered in ITK (such as TAUCS, CHOLMOD, etc.).

typedef VNLSparseLUSolverTraits< CoordType > SolverType;
typedef itk::LaplacianDeformationQuadEdgeMeshFilterWithSoftConstraints< MeshType, MeshType, SolverType > FilterType;

The next step is then to allocate the filter and set the input mesh.

FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
filter->SetInput( reader->GetOutput() );

Then set the order (note that we recommend using order 1, but it is possible to use higher-orders), and the lambda value which balance in between interpolation and approximation.

filter->SetOrder( 1 );
filter->SetLambda( 1. );

Then set the method to compute the coefficient. Although theoretically it is recommended to use itk::ConformalMatrixCoefficients, it is possible to use other weights to speed up the deformation, or for other reasons...

typedef itk::ConformalMatrixCoefficients< MeshType > CoefficientType;
CoefficientType coeff;
filter->SetCoefficientsMethod( &coeff );

Then set the constraints, either by the means of SetDisplacement, either by the means of SetConstrainedNode

MeshType::VectorType null( 0. );
filter->SetDisplacement( 150, null );

MeshType::VectorType d( null );
d[2] = -5;

filter->SetDisplacement( 2030, d );

Finally call the Update method and get the output mesh


MeshType::Pointer output = filter->GetOutput();

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